Saturday, November 12, 2022

Photos from Eugene —> Corvallis.

The nicest high school football stadium I’ve ever been to. Also, everyone here seems to be named Caleb.

Eugene on the fancy bus, saying goodbye to Hayward Field.

Oregon Trail country. We have not broken an axle and I am triple-vaxxed so hopefully no malaria.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Clickbait for Toddlers, Part 1.

Clickbait reaches nearly everybody, but one large audience remains an enigma. The 0-6 year old market is largely unsaturated. To aid companies in appealing to these crucial Gen Z+1 consumers, I've created ready-made clickbait that toddlers can't resist. Here's the first in my series.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

I'm getting really tired

of people interjecting into a conversation, usually while stroking their chin, "you know, the Chinese word for crisis is the same as the one for opportunity." This sententious (and, FYI, very wrong) statement should be followed with something equally vague, profound-sounding, and hard to disprove. Here are, let's say, eight off the top of my head:

  1. You know, the Malaysian word for "condom" is the same as the one for "toejam."
  2. You know, the Hungarian word for "carrot" is the same as the one for "gallivant."
  3. You know, the Welsh word for "self-actualization" is the same as the one for "diabetes."
  4. You know, the Danish word for "ocean" is the same as the one for "sausage fest."
  5. You know, the Tagalog word for "synergy" is the same as the one for "staph infection."
  6. You know, the Swahili word for "cooling breeze" is the same as the one for "accountant."
  7. You know, the French word for "cafe" is the same as the one for "coffee shop."
  8. You know, the English word for "opportunity" is the same as the one that describes games that are random.

And hello! I know it's been a very long time, but I'm glad to be posting again, and hope you'll read my more frequent posts