Monday, September 21, 2009

Now that I've been to Minnesota

here are the U.S. states I've been to:

1. Arizona
2. California
3. Connecticut
4. Delaware
5. Georgia
6. Idaho
7. Illinois
8. Indiana
9. Maine
10. Maryland
11. Massachusetts
12. Michigan
13. Minnesota
14. Montana
15. Nevada
16. New Hampshire
17. New Jersey
18. New York
19. North Carolina
20. Ohio
21. Oregon
22. Pennsylvania
23. Rhode Island
24. Tennessee
25. Texas
26. Utah
27. Vermont
28. Virginia
29. Washington
30. West Virginia
31. Wisconsin
32. Wyoming

Ones I still need to hit up:

1. Alaska
2. Alabama
3. Arkansas
4. Colorado
5. Florida
6. Hawaii
7. Iowa
8. Kansas
9. Kentucky
10. Louisiana
11. Mississippi
12. Missouri
13. Nebraska
14. New Mexico
15. North Dakota
16. Oklahoma
17. South Carolina
18. South Dakota

This is using my personal criteria that for a given state to count, I must either have spent the night in the state or gone there on purpose for some reason. In other words, no layovers in airports or states that I've just driven through without stopping.

Any recommendations for what the next few states should be?

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